Wednesday, December 29, 2010

waiting for spring on an unusually spring-like day in December

living inside the world means noticing when the white van leaves and the brown one returns with the groceries to the backyard is full of brambles a rotting wood fence in farm country in the middle, a huge city. this is any--i hear gun shots. i go ice fishing, snow melts on the island i take my dogs to sniff squirrel tracks and muddy. the world is melting my world is

buckwheat flour ice crust
the glint blue of December
a neighbor shouts, a bus turn, breaks whine, this thin tannic film coats my front tooth,
a grape skin breakfast

tempts me to exacerbate the condition by sipping red wine. window turn gold
as brown van
parts plain and simple
deeper nothing?
the surface melts

my ex-roommate creeps into her ex-backyard to rip smoke
a salt cloud rises black serpent

hello white van! i'm alone with an interior voice,
I will you to turn right.
a weird person. with one red eye
casts ordinary spells.

poison water, salty with dispersed air
drugs and white flour fog daybreak
empty street except the lone man gazing at the frothy sun
shifting one foot frozen to

my ghost, the winter, from ice cells spring
huddled grass, corner and await
the green van

Monday, December 27, 2010

no one in attendence
no one god but godallah


no one but god grave grace

southern Province sun
triple sea water wash
a blue smile chicklet

salt of ye

ye makith
mouth smooth in the whole moon
hahahahapp holy

i hope!
even as the moon goes black
and takes us

rock a bye

to tilt and whir


align mine eyes I godallah
snow blanket pine
fall silent
no one in attendance but you, god.

my experiences are secondary

Sunday, November 28, 2010

America, American, Americans

Drug abuse diffuse light
mechanical spider
flicked -----------
-----------robot table leg
--------------giant tick
bite and burrow -> red scar circle

the shape of sun
is not my eye
walls bend

----space abs----

scent of english
rounds its razor,

mean less. Phony, my ineffectual

arm twitches
my my is tired of my

open warfare . America

between 2 fingers,
cherry soot,

adrenaline gunshots
lost spiders
------------------------[[[[[[[[[art/does not=/poetry]]]]]]]]]
+ ugly=pretty + [[[[[[[[[beauty/does not=/poetry]]]]]]]
+ complex=simple + cans of fish worms
+ too few=too many + in naive broth
________where do I belong?______------------god is

under-----------------my imaginary
overturned ------------friend
1/2 shell^^^^^^^^^^^^^^is god
(i am no closer)-------repetition

crape paper (((((((@@@@)))
-kin (((((((((((((@@@@@@)))
spun an(((((((@@@@@@@@)))
open blow ((((((((((((((@@@))))

ground meat

an obsolete

sun down

a prayer

stab the
he art be at

no mo re mud dled conglo merate.
makes ence. is th is
diffi cult? I---ug!
de mon hide i---oh! fing er nail on mo on.
pres incess ant im patient

dr ift sand i can
not wait, tide
a yell low tape down.

help me!
he p me!
cotton gray sack

summons wind to
the won der rod god willows.

grass then ice fire.
goldi sh fish

flutter surface. make wish.
peal I lash
fla shes

poor ly be hived
force d to stair at he sun

be be be bebe

no mo eyes.

shhhhh!!! hit sun.

---------my e ye ye yes.hard

dead color
purple of corpse

make up cake to make the face fake

suddened into love

an absent person reincarnate:
you wi sh e him a wake
for give me for

a responsible as i am ear

the sky make rules

i sky

it be bad.


His face,
with wrath eyebrows.


the second s un-Gods

He His Good
she god dis not.

stranded at the edge if evening

comes and i open eyesleep.

(this is how the clouds looked)

if letters,

God's fun! Funnel, the funeral

as comfortable as


dead. or sleep
wish i to believe in he who save me from.

the fish orifice bleeds.

Monday, November 15, 2010

ti-ti in me wrinkles

a wet canary smell


"this place"
to another
of primitive urgence
fawn legs fight

the owner's every evening, first and final
to stand still.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



3)evergreen web backout/wormhole wheelflecks in 5) harmony rememor 6) mother's eyes say "you


7) bend to re-collect 8) a tin cup clinks the dirt floor ) clouds unsettle ) .

10) illumine ruminate 1) self-abuse/12) melt
icicle air

*my mother stores information*

loses half her business
assets sold information dis pierce
ears with beezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

ZZZZNN N NNNNNNNNNZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZ NNNNNNNNNNNNNzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ ZZ Z Z Z Z ZZZZ Z Z Z Z Z ZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzNNN

virtuality run over
a sheet cast aside ------------------------ perspiration
halfawindow moongloom --------------------- bludgeoning neck beat
adrenaline apples/fall -------------------- child
are our -----------------------------------
unchewed ---------------------------------- blankie
lodged in the chest

Sun Trick

land clock
struck concrete walk
go(l)d abyss leaves

Thursday, October 28, 2010

wash through

i woman am poems my mouth enter obscure interior wound. Exit

clean wound


apple limb phantasme rattle the attic wind howl
once upon house beams dusk

tint orator plaid sofa
cannon b. all hole no clouds o
yoo eeys
rr sapphire
I want I
my guts ym yo uuuuuuu

for woman's snake

peri o.d. waterfoll ower i red sand rad end and
icle eeth ache toothgether make an
xious fluid brook
basculate eggcart on crack ed ges


reexamine thorange morning. thatwin feeling.
a dark blanket. sun tick burrow clock
tocks out a route. billboards
un artificial easy. drunk
works words works words works words works words swerve
four highways, 16 lanes, an oiled windowshield

limit. now. less

how did I get ?

my stone extension bones

remember entering
a pair of legs

calf \\
powder hair
part of him is her

the spiderthreadspiderthreadspiderthreaded d us t

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Juices looses!
a fated mate and
concord grapes

Monday, October 4, 2010

ash and vision spray midnight bullets closer than loser
then looser
9 holes in the same sleep.

only one escape route
deconstruct the plexiglass cube and build a new one of the detritus
smash me into your box.
my head is a nail

the siren bends tin wind on a boat to process re-begin
wooden as an infant,
my nervous haunting whistle,
patrols ex-cavern s
s impetuous mast
towards and odorless
wide earth
thin straight

untrained navigator
of round ocean
ushered into the drain's tornado

Thursday, September 30, 2010

if the girl eats bitter herbs her blood is sweet cider
if the girl drinks sweet cider her vagina goes sour
orifices betray A
i throw up
sex is unclean
30 times sunrise = full lune plus 7
day's gradual wane
dichotomous instant
cube built of infinite cubes
plexiglass prison
square prism translucent

Friday, August 13, 2010

fall into one of your cracks ms. emily
's a little crazy today-z

daisy fade petals
cicada quiet
Stolen Fruit. My twin squeezed from me
plenty of piss juice

Monday, August 9, 2010

go straight for the rusted bottom

not quite n(ot l)ight. 4 am is silver knife sliver tightrope
one could either face-plant zero
"rescue me from this well."

the spirit cup listens.

"i'm goin' drown
way down"

the spirit cup has no drain,

only dark matter and a severed tightrope,
fray daisy dishes
green rain antidote drink. filled quick
sip sip
one for me
one for shoe.

and tomorrow?
sky blew

(a mirrored half-bird
my shaky word)

august 9th 2010

at 6 58 pm the sun shines in the first window of the day. Its a hot one. KT and I made nachos with fresh-everything, from-the-garden salsa in the toaster oven so as not to overheat the house. spent the morning at A and K's. Talking about Steiner and anthroposophy with two tourists from Sweden. K took my pictures for her website t-shirt gallery. her prints are great, the photos were fun to take and came out lovingly.

another day on utopia street.

my ego red eye spy from cat window
splattered on the roof, sidewalk, asphalt,
then the kiddies
playing ball in a green desert

she looks funny

maybe scary is the right woe

a cocked half-eye? disheveled feathers
reactions osoosos,m,,,mllllllssslo0w

the spirit bird

half me, half you

split brest

Monday, August 2, 2010

piece of the plexiglass puzzle (2)

if body is to cube as space is to outside, inside communicates constant
body experience space

eyes crying are opposite sense
since sense takes in and tears pour out

2 holes
a tin street
dull yellow lines

piece of the plexiglass puzzle

art is a cube with an artist inside. Outside, any vehicle of comprehension macro to micro attempts to explain

the (w)hole

in f in it e l y pierced cube surface
is not a permeable guarantee

I) must be guided by a tug at the end of the vaginal canal
traveling gutward through my throat


if it is immediate, (compelled without thinking)
or contemplated so thoroughly, it reflects perfectly

what one's brain wishes,


as our body (its own cube)
exists in a space.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


sensitive people antenna their suns
burn radially
bull's eye brusing
pain. Overhead lights
squeak floor. red rags on her legs
he gave her a yellow leaf
a place to rest his head
who's dead
tired tried
to lie
and saved his chicken's neck
a little

Indi go to Star

isnt iagro?
leaves (leaf)
twilight ripple-ring
reaching outer
outside water
child mine d


Sunday, July 18, 2010

block dog barks non-stop bug speak
deep in folded comfrey flowers a lavender
beside blooming over
yesterday's lucidity
pot of ice
in a rusted-shut birdcage


take-off er
er upt ann's lace coughs

"aint nothin gonna fill ma soul"
last spray rose brown edged july

mid morning heat in the bottom of a backyard pit

where she slept
a damp cadaver
brought her a fake Rolex

then tied itself to the railroad tracks

the whole town watched as a train billowed and struck-down dead
wails the warning blow

by mid-morning she had recovered her senses. the fake Rolex took the sun into its round mouth and shot her in the eye with it.

wake up found sound
chants her best friend
pearly yellow kiss of cockle
my kitchen sloppy in

smells like cooked flesh.


the fake Rolex eat glass diamonds 12 3
4 5 7 10 4 1

sun back skyward flash es fish
pelting so dry
skin fry

exposed monarch veins of day lily self
one after noon after.
dies in even end

a tampon wrappers tobacco in
white flowers and orange
children whistle scream
fro and to swish
a nice dress someone's
black coffee
taped shoes
hold my sole
from falling out.
neighborhood scatter petals
the bottom colored
soft air candle
luminescence pulsing absent suns

horizon east. west alive
red time sticks baton
odoriferous fruit
concentric as evenings h our
tin focus

Friday, June 4, 2010

Spring IV

some scribbles to praise the decent
of another not day
space green
hour blends into backyard
sirens the icecream song dizzing birds in collective shadow
swimming blue ones, the oil spills...

why am i practicing peace
looking at peas till they fruit days of
imagination swelter without sweat glands

my direction (you)
the sun in clear blue

but u r

a lost child text-messaging god

voice in a tightrope
stretched cloud far
balance can maintain

I need rain,
give me sign to continue.

Silent! gladiolas
function as magic

purple evening yellow pale periwinkle crimson
you are johnny apple,
you scatter skittles on my yeye

seed. plant. roots.

a garden between us

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grey Day

parlor music of a certain melody
transports her to great-grandmother's

dying house

on a lake of grey sand,
a stormless night

Sunday, May 16, 2010

floats on a bed into oblivion glass ceiling

coffee-sun day no press-on earring buttons out of grass clippings

squirrel innocent away as fly bed into a writhing joy snakes her inside
a wind chime the air to random whispers. standard jungle lush sun dried spirited
apple trees
flowers to sour beads
birds from here to a distant river bank squak as they've forgotten yesterday rain lift low chimeric life
seem just
a series of roots intertwined with mother's unending slow weep

Thursday, May 13, 2010

words on a page

industrious green chemical
alters silver
brick sunken
steps surface
hold the shore from sliding endless
into the river outside my

it washes, murmur obscure
blends the poem bank
rain and tornadoes green silver as
aspen waves in the
non sun

river induced thunder bricks
unto the untrained poem
surface air
drowns reflection disordered

mirror nothing but convolution
my finger a blade of grass sticks its probing
needle center
where storm round green recedes
a fraction of sky

my nightmare song finds
pretty little ditty

brown a bottom
less night
mid than evening
wonder of gray half-eye

arbitrary divisions separate poems her twin
spider wire on glitter land dandelion-seed water

sense and non-sense
poetry and non-poetry.

eye and non-eye
two halves of the same confusion

twisted double helix rabbit hole
third forehead gave birth to a
feet-first twin
feet first

as circus music kills its mother

the history of evil is not good

a crow in wave is not black

not water not sky not land not crow

not surface bottom not aspen not bank
not poem not outside not inside sense

to get in, a crow in wave is her thin twin trying

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Siren

two twins and a siren (who)
flooding blood
my mine.

D'moon fades completely. not him but her light.
redspot-on thiside of things

my eggs died!!
the little hen cries

haha ha ha haha ha ha

all the way hahahaha-home

uninvented pace (s) darker than tomorrow,
parkpath built of her hahahahaus bricks

mama spider's eggtimer counting
scarlet spelled backwards telracs one sand

spilled but not

pieces of plexiglass plastic
taking on the color of a moon.
less night

2 giant plastic balls irradiating plastic thoughts.
tomorrow is darker
then may
middle of the riddle


2 giant plastic
in may3ice

out of gas.

one ball is covered in a milky film
ball two at the end of a breath makes

seeing into the difference between hearing listening

a tunnel painted "and"
like "and" was a pit with
paint at the other end a

one ball is her orbital drying fish

"the one eyed dog coming, the one eyed dog is coming"

two spaces round and red exactly alike but one no flesh

your fish feels good against my twin

she turns to me while i
sleep a sleep
she poses me
questions camera i am

red sand blood on her pants
on one sand her hand

gave a yellow leaf

a blanket obsidian.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Spring III

inspring.iamtoowisetonotwaittillitmakesthefirstmoveoramoveforwarmerweatherbeforeplacingallmyeggs/seedsinsomesoiltoocold. cookbookssuggestweeatfishintheearlyspringtoslimdownreadytoswiminsmalltightclothesthismakessensetomesoweteacheachothertofishintothedarkpondsofouroldselvesthatwe'dratherforgetthentapintoagain.buttheactoffishingfeelsproductiveandsatiatesthatdesiretoworkforournourishmentofvariousbodypartsspirit.oftentimeswecatchnothing.youstarve.thisfishistiredofswimmingbutknowsnothingelse.tryingfor26seasonstotrapmyselfona shiny hook.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Secret Mission

FW: Emily's poetry blog

Inbox X


Shren, Taro
to me

show details 28:74 PM (2 hours ago)

I shared your blog site with Jaulo’s daughter who works for that Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx in ville.

From: Savoy, Jaulo
Sent: Tuesday, May 0, 2903 21:12 PM
To: Shren, Taro
Subject: RE: Emily's poetry blog

I forwarded to Chin.

Cand-y just told me Qisip is leaving at end of week, to be replaced by Brent and Reg. Who’s Reg?

Jaulo Savoy

From: Shren, Taro
Sent: Tuesday, May 0, 2903 12:22 PM
To: Savoy, Jaulo
Subject: Emily's poetry blog

Some are better than others for sure

Taro Shren
Director, Content Operations

789 X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, XX Xxx 1346
Xxxxxxxxx, XX 85196-2449
United States
554.447.0007 or 800.000.0000 x0007
Mobile: XXX.XXX.XXX0

...Start here.
InformationWeek 500 Top Innovator

P Please consider the environment before printing this email




I shared your blog site with Jaulo’s daughter who works for that Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx in ville.

From: Savoy, Jaulo
Sent: Tuesday, May 0, 2903 21:12 PM
To: Shren, Taro
Subject: RE: Emily's poetry blog

I forwarded to Chin.

Cand-y just told me Qisip is leaving at end of week, to be replaced by Brent and Reg. Who’s Reg?

Jaulo Savoy

From: Shren, Taro
Sent: Tuesday, May 0, 2903 12:22 PM
To: Savoy, Jaulo
Subject: Emily's poetry blog

Some are better than others for sure

Taro Shren
Director, Content Operations

789 X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, XX Xxx 1346
Xxxxxxxxx, XX 85196-2449
United States
554.447.0007 or 800.000.0000 x0007
Mobile: XXX.XXX.XXX0

...Start here.
InformationWeek 500 Top Innovator

P Please consider the environment before printing this email



Thursday, April 22, 2010

to my twin:

to make sure my noitcelfer has not gone to the other side
while we sleep next to one another
me tasting your eyebrows

on the side of the sea
stranded as i a s hell

its so sunny!
these eyes were not made to take in much
nor nose nor mouth
nor you

bleed white noise
face i ecaf
chaque matin midi et nuit
call hell llox whar is instableit
? inside indif erent skin

who are you? who tuch bet ter than my own hands
the reflection of

Sunday, April 18, 2010

you make your own inspiration
the thoughts are generally
the same intonation unvaried
of a rhythm rut
the windows are the same too

this one has sticker residue
and the field behind the house
an apple tree's pink lace
the other paints a white stained floor
above the neighbors
preparing for church

today is the first day. Again
my moss skin
reaches greenly
to distant photos god takes
as he cleaves the world into two halves

one fake he makes shinny crow's feathers
tin roofs
windows like opalescent flowers
scattered on river banks
on ponds and lakes

all this
'''''''''and still
'''''''''''''''''''the sea

I see
a yellow house
peacocks hang from dead butterflies
door handles unscrew

red orange purple walls

when the plaster's wet

i am
especially my face

spotting the electric red

vacation passes
overturned wine glass
purple stained
teeth looking like
a curb

a wounded nightingale

voice of a
black cigarillo

want skin want heat want the disco music to stop interrupting my bird

masterbation s

primeval scream
immature with 21st century
in unpacked April

a 6 year old's easter dress hanging
alone on a wall

with no furniture

frightens the best friends
one red slice
broken window

boy in a bug field collecting

soul food

I (read first)
purple umbrella
big drops falling from
her other half

nourishing a toilet blue
sheep drink and tiger lilies orange

evening pallor
superimposed on the rising horizon
her jesus fades
in post war rubble
three dead snakes

(then go back and do it again)
starting with II:

soul food boy in a bug
field collecting
broken window
one red slice frightens the best friends

her other half falling
with no furniture
alone on a wall
a six year-old's Easter dress

in unpacked april roots immature with twenty first century
masterbation's want
want disco music to stop my black cigarillo voice of a wounded nightingale
beating a curb with teeth looking like purple stained wine glass
overturned vacation


spotting the electric red
especially my face
i am wet plaster walls

orange and purple door handles

my best friend and I

am trapped

Monday, April 12, 2010

fluorescent bath

sun machine
powerful bee sou
singing in the
dark daydream
shhh. I'm slee


Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring II

you are now entering the 5th dimension
all gutters are full, water pours down the side
her father's cheeks

her mother's chin
dimpled where the laughs meant to stick
melted her lashes into black circles
I came out
an ugly tomato
my soil hurts wooden as a saw horse
speech like too many saltines
she self me herself my mine myself hers
growing this way the other

plum blossoms

born of common sand
a hardened woman "i'm fucking"
attempts to suck her life back into her huge breasts. using another's hand
left over dry grasses
unintentional fronds of carbon and her nipple remains flacid
the yellow brick
running into tin air
like a backwards boat
i am you sister, a wicked touch

northern wind sings
god in a low


your request could not be processed
a fetus eating its lanugo

metaphoring the soft lost silk of the thought reel
an everlasting disco dance consuming
scraps of itself
mucus black excrement
oozy as the best soil

I she we have exactly seed
to plant amongst thick weeds

mother earth is blue as a far dream palace
mother my memory chips are scattered
gold as sun on the blue makes green
one hope for knowing where I've been
2 wishes me 4 wife
one patch of land so blackblue my ovaries


as the ocean falls
tin roof

april in blury spectacles

night's unsleep of april lace thunder shakes loose their drifting green foam clear against the fog. the sky
"is falling, I must go tell the king" chattering little chickens on her day off she metamorphosis soap bubble. streaky as the train chimes.

if poetry is god

natural song
'''''''Easter sun

oh purple world!

cat above the porch is a windy misanthrope watching neighbor life from afar

bag bird. I miss the lady's face.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bee hive yellow box filled with wax hexagons chirping hay and high planes grass wood wall of clean water green tinted rose bag blows sinister ice song cream con man in clown suit and tie black shoeshine nose drug red dozens on a charcoal stick grill an opisidian head slick eight holes in face the picture non-discript oil scherenschnitte. magnesium A chair the person who sits not there inside bee box. fried eggs corridoras de miel unsweet communion the soul not breaking her stale desert. everyone says, "its a nice day" isnt it? bees cream no answer from old man's rusted face in balloon bees go dizzy as clocks. back hive again to where vacuum cleaner. that sound empties

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Black birds White onve spike sala si me le do to os ka ah ski
skin brink break morn moon sliver bb bullets

one rooster pecked another
mangled head

tongue cramp
chew swallow or talk
tastes like sunshine on bluesky bread

its five am well of words
she make surface move

i like foods. A simple sentence
gathering grapes

pesticide white ears

gravel in the train's
horrified wail

she breathes dust

a block of government cheese
ten dawn again
ten cha cha ten tion

tree branjes shadow vase lodge
in her windpipe a poison almost

talks dangerous to god

finding the right words to tell him
finding the right words to tell
finding the right words
the right words
right words

A telling puzzle

which word is whick
whick is which word

his words are mine
the easter sky

one day before april
i woke up 7 times
"find me a place to rest my head"
dad said

a spot
that will not

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black white Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black

Thursday, March 25, 2010


rusted chirps squeak exalted!
like a high pile of pearls
skittering under four graceful feet

pour down lava
split and talk and
hold still
velvet maple leaves

the fourteen hour car ride

smoking 2 mountains green
throb their own valley
pushing leaves twice

equinox's shinny

frosted black air

confident swollen buds

our mutual acre tilled
seeded with magic knives
and sheeps' heads

we've cut each other
from inside our own land


Strawberry night
impossible to distinguish
atomic red moon

dig in
up to our waists in juice
drink till our bellies are 2 taut rubies

still craving

scent of iron and mushrooms
rainwater elixir I

press to your glass soil
feel my own sharp edges tangled
root fingers
to where your liver pulses
with my toxins

where a single seedling sprouts

chrysanthemum or crab grass
we are not concerned

simply be

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Circle is a Vicious God

Walter Kaufmann
(translating Beyond
Good and Evil)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Wailing Wall

slavk corners
ancient sues taackedi will geet there
thru awaly
alive alice huge dream mangled
my face alwats wants to latl of itself
getting smaller a grey dove forlorn cries before loin cloths delivered us from shame
separate wo
dwes man red dead tears

hart juice separate stacks vein cra
hands, th fistsheads bow in sunnyblack site
nithing glows in dark

fists beatinga throat
what have i done??
unclenched hands forgiving theselves

souls alone desert

i am sand

separate from this wall i stand..................................
attajed hands

weeping child thrown from bike...................................

various shdes of gray (the new black)............................

writers blocks 50 tons tall

i wrote words
isnt this good enough?

this hole is cold buti see butter lace bigenough for a worm.

quirm. you are not here. when i come to see you. i leave my child folded

Personal Hejira


W//H// XX I try X (conquer)
<<<<<<<how XX brani work
crosses yourself out

monday. A special start
ice cube--
Holiday went to her head

paring knife puncture wound
a little staB###walk hom E(
a lit (walk home---a command)

bloody murder scream

2 black girls playing
-------------tag [p/rXaps]

tag au two times

[{{:}}]...this flower make poem pretty

No Objects..Nobects
NO Nobjects XNside


Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Wailing Wall

ancient desert sun
pock-marks crumbling dust figure
heavy overshadow wrong side god

cubes stacked huge

getting smaller
a grey dove
forlorn cries

she nests in me

this wall.

fists beating the body's throat

unclenched hands forgiving themselves

controlled folding scraps of paper wishes

"thank you dear god for the various shades of gray
i cannot escape. open cracks rat holes
ice tunnels. i am paper, i am sand. I've
wedged myself so my backbone is powder.
day leaves me. at the mirror's edge
charcoal light

this crevice is deep
this wall touches the sky
this child stands beside it

take my wrist
i show you how to love me

venom in my foot
slowly spreading

suck out the poison
--I'll give you all my words

folded paper in the wall
an ocean

billions of salty prayers

Thursday, March 11, 2010


inside the poem is outside the

the outside is poem the inside

Holy House

`````sunlite on

`````````--a drape
```````sunken black pits


``````a lon g```````


threads discintigrate

getting farther

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

sand in the I

Sand wind sand cube
uncountable cubes of glass
dry = cutting
6 thi s roa d
is a sand y 1

want so me mo re?
sand in the tee th
es and your mama ' s too th
s o mu ch s a n d dry
eye ye ar e sand ori fices faces wra p p ed in clo the (-e)
stop sand from pouring in side the shack
a little watter (-t) les s hack
mudsnot made sand y and wate r make
gla ss cu bes
=dry =cutting =i
i i i i i i i i i i i my yie ey eye

Thursday, March 4, 2010


location of dark vain in dirty dot
oculus opening a florescent manhole "The electrical signals do not mix - rather, fibres travel together electrical signals separate"


the plexi-glass


Buried Zen Poem

He will not live to be
a very old man,
he has struggled against life,
his hole

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Advice from the Forefather of God

hold fast to the void
cut windows and doors
sew these holes
with invisible thread
pull tight to form a shape
without shape
dwell inside, earless

hear a waterfall
an empty lake

Morning no More

Rooster heads
iridescent green
feathers stained w scarlet oil

a little meat
tough on white teeth
chewing infinitely

the twilight

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Night Sky

I've ventured into
a wall-less tunnel
full of pressure

my heart bursts
red stars litter the void

Sunday, February 21, 2010


unblinking eye
milks the walls

room- a sagging bag

void of sustenance

Monday, February 15, 2010

Vanishing Images

eyelids open fall apart
a giant hole a mouth
a sensual worm trying to get in
getting out in endless loop
her legs open
close, bent knees
diamonds where triangle sides
link to body
her red tights, brown interior
images fold into eachother's black holes
stars accelerate
his eyes
palpitate the
periphery of chest as he lays out
on top
dividing red shapes

Next Day: Paris
sur la Seine, sunshine hits a window
takes away her eye.
He is not there.
Her computer opens
a tiny dot
above the monitor
threatens to send her image

multi-dimensional he'd see
the art gallery
on the left bank
a painting
of a girl
in a garden
in a red hat
in a golden antique frame fixed
in a window
in a stone wall warmed by day.

Although she longs to imagine him
her face amongst his things, his books
the plaid couch dog barks,
tulips beckon her brightly

she closes the screen and tucks it into her purse
her face fades from
his space
the relationship
folds neatly into two
black bag bottom
her figure exceptionally firm
she slides her arm into the air as if to stretch
then places the hand lazily behind her brown hair
while the sun strikes
her breast, the open armpit
the air that seems to pump itself
filling her open chest with an independent smirk

river touches her extended
damaging its surface
unsewn tinfoil
balls drop back into place

in almost real time
his hand extends in the shade of morning
her beamed figure three dimensional
red hat
red tights
in low resolution against the white sheet window dressing
suggests he should touch her
hand slicing
digital dots

Saturday, February 13, 2010

island seed

Across the river
across the river

Split, two halves of
the same apple
and the island seed

I think of Dad
I can see for miles
the river is blue
horizon untouchable

Under the air
peppered with noiseless

his demonic dreams
run awake with a sprained ankle

Island road takes a turn
crisp grass strolls
to the edge
where broken ice
floats still
until looked at

My father's eyes are

A beaten dog's

Monday, February 8, 2010

the horizon wont scrape off

snow's on its way
the image of tomorrow
covers today

white grass
whiter sun
the wedge shaped notion
we can carve
time into an apple of
our choosing


------------------------Tuna lids


an alley
---------------------------church bells

******maple floors#######
glass------------------------------- bottles
clinking --bottles
--------------------@glass@ ----------------bottles
clinking @@


an accused man
slams the door

his wife's
chalk screech

granite clouds

she hasnt really. not again

the voice is a girl
is imature
she misspells words

the light is an
old subject
she sees from the same old window

if she could change her eyes she would
although the colors are spectacular
--not unlike a wolf

her yeys are the devil's when she writes
she channels god

who has stopped searching

an island occupies her thoughts
a plexiglass cube

and all the confusion that comes with being stuck inside

but baths are nice
though one is technically inside
no one joins her there

her art is not heart
but filled
it does not pump blood incessantly

it does nothing without thinking

yet there is something hidden amongst the dried water

a separation of world from conquest.
she does not own anything
her ideas are fruits without

melodrama sings to her
she wants the drama without its prefix

boring dribble, her favorite world

when her stomach gets fat she can barely tolerate her own skin
her father is uncomfortable
he has not yet learned to swallow


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Possibility is Endless

Possibility is endless possibility
is endless possibility is endless
possibility is endless
possibility is endless possibility is
endless possibility
is endless

The Face

Two holes in the wall
furrowed eyebrows
pinched lips
make a face

Two wounds in the wall
black eyes
beaten evil
by hammer and screw

Cross Bones

She comes inside the house

drinks a glass of
poisoned water

she knows its poisoned
but there is nothing
else to drink

Her food has been tested on rats
it is poison too

the rats die
shortly after reproduction

She has gone without eating

debilitating fatigue

She has planted her own vegetables
but the soil is poison

impending death

Foun Pome

Cheap tonstone
Place in grown
No caskat

Monday, February 1, 2010



built using equal length
strait lines (12) and 90
degree corners (8) means
easy pieces cuts swallow
and ignore geometric re-
sults windows streets as
telephone poles circle l
ights in rectangles side


Waves naturally occuring
Waves mathematicly static
Waves ocean-wide ebbing
Waves rhythm unending


Ring, ring, ring
telephone wire connect

A Tsunami!


so she runs
full speed

smack into the corner
of her plexi-glass cube

wave washes over
and releases
pummeling ocean

"why, waves aren't mathematical at all"
she muses

grey white little big big
white grey grey white big
big little big grey white
little white white white grey
--Big White!--
chokes her under

2 Stones

1. We interact as stones
we never talk
we never touch

2 years
2 stones

2. No, we are not together
I am a stone

he is a stone

2 stones sit by a river bank
2 stones in a fire pit
2 stones in the crotch
of an oak

one stone thinks
"Why wont he talk to me"
the other stone thinks
"why wont she talk to me"

No Lips!
No Tongue!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

drug induced ignorance

It was night
or her brain was trapped in a jar of black beans. Eyelid suction cups stuck inward. Gradually, the walls
white and shapes
on a gray scale darkened, lightened according to their original designs.

Seeing no farther than three feet in one direction a puddle reflected
her body curled
she refused to look
at yesterday

although nothing had been recorded

instead the sound of someone talking incessantly
highlighted her lack of words

shades of gray

static and snow

Heaven Because

sun filters slowly
the clouds
are oil veins of

heaven because
evergreen tree,
as black as you feel,

wind's salmon glow

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Paper Rain

-------indiscernible white flakes
white sky

frail air
a body without a way

the body's
red bath

bruised arms
-----packed with gravel
--------and resewn

white buttoned
-----------adam's apple
----------------tightly talking

across a table
---------cinder block space
stretched heavy
---------into white notes

Friday, January 22, 2010

Blue Monday

Worst day of the year

mysterious deaths in Holland
A baby under staircase

last full week

Determined by


T=time since Christmas
Q=time since falling out of New Year's resolutions
M=motivation levels
Na=feeling of need to take action

5 pm

Yellow glow
doorway orange

window panes
glossed white

slippery grace

a record turns

fluting others

this room
window and door

end to end
music muffled

chair stains
melt evening

driving ice

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Sailor Song

Seagreen smokecloud

milky, weary, uncertainly

Smokegreen seacloud


Seasmoke greencloud

smudging stomach
into throat fog

Greensmoke cloudsea

I lost me, I lost me

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crossing Over

What if your head was too big
to fit through a polka-dot?

But you felt like forcing it?

Only nose, orbital corners
beginning of cheekbones

fit. You can smell darkness
a black dot
daring you "come on"

You take aim.
A woodpecker
on plaster

The room widens
dot grows


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bottle green house

Occasionally, light struck


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One Night

The girl dreamed polka dots covered the walls of her plexi-glass cube. Polka dots that became holes as she slept and transported her, like esophaguses swallowing, into a secret neighborhood. When she arrived, there were open lots over-grown with wild wheat and burdock, in her hand, a rudimentary wooden flute. Dark wind blew the long grasses waved. Uncertain, she played the little instrument and hoped its sound would keep her company. But instead of pitch, the flute blew houses onto the forlorn street. Each one designed and constructed exactly like the next. Solid colors, painted inside and out differentiated the houses and moved her to explore them. Once inside, her being soaked-up the houses' stories and she even became different inhabitants so that the stories were her own stories and the houses her own houses.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gold House

Paint peals above the doors
humans used to open
hovered now
beside bowls of snow
they grind their teeth
until the sunrises

Parties of people
in skin tight
fashionable tatters
chatter like radios left on

gold powder ate faces
noses bled
coating the walls
liquid gold

It looked great at first
but maintenance
cost them everything

Monday, January 11, 2010

Yellow House

though our house is ugly
we can't leave

instead we stare at the ceiling
an artificial
tickles guitar strings

mood swings through
spoiled mustard

I would repaint you
remind me of sunshine

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sky Blue House

variations of light
transmuting room forms
a single person
passes January air
clouds his mouth
is house
no window glass, roof
or wood

Red House

iron and fish
smell so animal
I eat your face

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Fridge converses
with drop in sink.

I want somebody
to feed

my savage eyes

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dream Café

In solitude
she sips coffee

nothing living touches her
jade umbrella

Friday, January 1, 2010

The First Day

In a plexi-glass cube, a girl sits overwhelmed. thick haze sheets the box.

since she cannot see, she begins.

single letters. small words. sketched into plexi-glass vapor

"P” "L” “E” “A” “S” “E”



“images” “on” “my” “box” “walls” God.

response: box fog lifts to see-through walls

only white

she thinks for a whole time period...

then vomits words

in any combination any order or direction rational and irrational mixtures compose and decompose simultaneously all sense is nonsense and nonsense is sense

until a black scramble

is pure word