Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear night, veil my sense
itivity, ignight
restlessly flames the intellect
where words flood at once
prison or prisoner
blah blau bleu blue
proceeding my experience
15 language trap i
one way to suffer through
lace shadow chlorophills
her with soporific
vigor. bright shape of
useless eyes to look through,
time passes burdened by words. undisturbed but by
askew scribblings enormal
animus between gray legs,
pages and a
blank sky
he will focus on the natural progression of fall if you deny him sex for
heat bleaches man's mind you this is hot!
the maple, a cross street
lack of water brings tall plants down to earth colors red siren sound of another love gone perverse
this hardened ape's legs flop like an august sunflower.
he senses the nothing left to tough hole engaged severely
a knotted muscle
where he wishes to find fluid

one act play

start beautiful woman in blam garden, fab,
facade of glamor
fade into self doubt
unravel life


is not giddy or giggle. Find line of direct pain. Focus.
Frown furrows eyebrows brownberry as wrinkled straw.
Bury. Comfort.
Confront. Cat come center calling a variation of my name my lover forgets and uses another's.
Scarlet zenias, bright purple bachelorette buttons, queen victoria's a sunflower.
Regal, she sways into evening's low ebb

then east with a full face the morning
my dog scarred her face on the razor wire spiral traps us animals
fight freedom; the accidental wound idea
runs us round and back into man-made trap
tan dry edged crumble and crack green dying hot. no movement
no dance
trees no sway
and flame
in fan's breath
a woman with young wrinkles

grows roots
walls expend endless
borders unto wayward reaching

kind bind
red vampire
heart like girdled roots
warn off good feeling
wear on weary
use pinky finger to
force a smile. not
a not nice day,
no smile anyway

i stave off the still
alive sensation
speedy straight for a
soap wall
eat soap moth
er wash out
Situated in time
lines drive hard edge
free sailing garden
internal as a bush
home on this white
sketch paper
neither straight
lines nor I

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

spiral of twin sycamores

rip-house tornado destroy path kevin is not god
but am person a person, as i am he is

a conglomeration of organic rubble, pinned to earth's flesh and kilter filtering through sewage drains with better made chip sliver cellophane

stoop, recollect, swing lower--
the last humans i whisper to your pillow who touched us
the humid air
, in each rumination
guts. chew, throw up in the throat

churning butter, whey and fat separation of two Siamese twins

open faucet, look a rock stone-on

and analyze. how opposite the landscape appears in your face lakes

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

4 superscript 3

varnished opals
snap pea awake,
dilate. moth holes
muscle green light-

word. emergence
the deep seeded
soil phantoms pierce
the alarm birds

in oak crotch fling
shot cotton sky.
Rattles straighten me
absorption stone

stumbles down night,
hits. you. "go away!"
"wait, sway fro 'gain",
we wind, sun rose(s).

Monday, May 2, 2011

3 superscript 3

four o' clock
finch cloud faint
storm alert

thick mud stuck
black earth with
spruce shadow

flailing arms
round your neck
not here. rain.

2 superscript 3


la! Blooms

1superscript 3


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

plain language

on overdrive.
scrub the kitchen
kiss stupid poems
exist in my matter
what matters?

a naked twin
twist into photo ghost
the I becomes who?

i frighten to look
a myself

embarrass blushed

talk to no.

filter off non-sense

nothing falls out the round
stick bic

"i should not blame you
pen," only personal
shortfall. i am

afraid to dig at the moment

birds announce
the rain's end

for an hour, greenest stuff on
earth's rug is right

hear pitch holler
high pitch higher,

like the world nothing is as senseless a word as like.

my experience is all.
raw rain straw mulching the gracious grasses

tulips bloom a crimson spade
humid me

rising and falling with the barometer

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

pendulum; free swinging in a defined space

rain and a thunder train but no lightning to whiten chew chew .

woohoohang on a swinging clothes line

lime chartreuse pistachio patch of cotton puff white too on the asphalt
my car in another rectangle reflector.

huge mist tree no see no children on the park streets
only sprigs of grasses reclaim concrete

bent buds

warning red and blur

lights tangle glow green in the grass, a sky.
sketchy lines onto the fading fast memory

4 amaryllis blooms pink and the non scent of white flowering
out the door.

a not bad today's shade shower

luminescent incessant twisted air our lungs twine
the open of lamps and eyeshades

awake i feel good thus

water war wintergreen snow.

to heal the wound in the room the sky is looking up

others i keep in my vision are not. but

voice boxes unattached to bodies. chattering me silly. whirlwind and the train again

excitement in daffodil
a retarded yellow

i record

spinning for no good
i exchange one pair of dirty jeans for another. broken record skipping through a cold house,

nothing means
even the genius who write the bible

babble in places no sensed comprehension of multitudinous interpretations

rain and thunder train

rumble ramble

what grounds the ground?

the apex of my poem. a stabilizing thought of god
some third eye it
from esoteric congeries.

This is ungrounded, the wind swung wires flaming into air grass

then a crew in a white truck come to fix
the power outage did not effect the light of my world

instead one day into another day
long phrases of similar cadence

Saturday, March 5, 2011

a plastic cube

drizzles slop from eves leaving linear imprints in mud
gray as sunrises in blinded window

pains of living
turn full at tilt

midnight into out
walls superscript 3 dimensions of 5

6 murky puddles in tell s ect

aspens 2 oaks branch rigid, brittle color
leaking sky into the narrow road

a vast river overwhelms
my interior island

is a number outside the cube.

unless, i consider the infinitereflect beams

and imagine therein an odd-shaped lucky encounter.

8 old selves pile in right corners

one is violent
another gardens violets
me foreign grapple easyover words
I mother wait
5 hides a child in a pink tent. her brother's belt
6 an adult
7 fetus again
8 why did i come?

plasticteeth glare in a white plasticlight

tv taught me

car of plastic, runs on pre-plastic.
tin cans,
glass bottles
each plastic labled,
ajax, joy, lisol, and tampax,
plastify my touches

i play house. kitchen
is toy food

shipped in plastic boxes with plastic tape in plastic trucks. fertilized with then sprayed to
no grow wild flowers, only wheatthins
sprouted on plastic stalks
dull in the sun.

my roommate glows

the white screen yells her to buy bounty.

an amount of money or other reward offered by an organization for the capture of a person or thing

the corporation shrink wraps people

a fair trade: you give me plastic
for the capture of my brain

hell p me

what will become


of me if i shake free?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

quest (ion) impossitive

there thingd to discover even insid the plexiglass cuble. how it is. infinite ricochet shifts small inlight.

its night I mourn the loss of daylute formy eyesarent good inthid quality of glow
the moment is food for any insight

in sight:
headlights on Moran turn this way, away
fromgreen spot flooding the corner house
my own freelection superimposed upon the naybur's
oranfe curtain. hung sideaways om haste
to keep my rubber eyes from bouncing into the family
doing naked things

not interested. eyes are a tired inn
nasal of cilia eaten away in toxic fire retardant cyanide
ears? buzzing or my nerves coffee
sounds opaque, a blanket of appetite
shuts off the fridge

airplane engine is screaming wind
skids a tire

invisible on ice

i wake swerving up
i sleep again
water fills my car

i live,

distracted by sense
dreamless into sleep

Here Stands a Cube

high on s windy hill
s plexiglass sixside windoq witha gurl inside. outside oon z hill a protection
not protection warplane warplane and tanks and big orange bombs. children in the nice school draw a picture.
the hill covered black with red flaring missiles
i no see the cube beyond the chared prairie grasses my home is
the nice children live in big
they can not imagine athe smallness of "once was home"
he crayoned purple hills under all the missiles, the land was purple!
i told the little boy that his fantasy lives
bombs bomb. otherboys,
other as is
other is far
filled eyescape, running circular the parameter inside cube madining
panorama of the 6 sides defunct joint 4 reflect 2 slabs of oil reflecting slippery
rain as bombs run
this is a sick imagining
thaat bombs fall on vacant land

Thursday, February 24, 2011


wires run wild over the vineways
we are white screens

the white screens are salting our eyes
this is the "bad" salt
the king that blinds us

HATE for the gold king

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Diamond Daimon

where there are rocks, no flesh.

more more holes in fingers eaten soul by flitter invasion frivol
eyes burnt by the coke brain
red wine lipliner
tufts of whispy hairpointed ears and a mink coat

"its my personality that makes me beautiful"
not the handmade shoes, hoes, Kristal or bulbous nose.

a-temptation to buy friends

pure evil
erup live

money power is powder

cant keep the tongue in

covering the stench of

drunken consumption

oil over my dead body dead body oil lubercating the earth plates

unoiled joints spillinto the sea. lifeforms die

billionaire hands

oily rich, filthy

he and the whore faked their

of hardened

flying plastic bag in the branch a black almost bird.

strangled from life

wild rainblow in the sky at the hour of mass emissions

same sheen in asphalt

the swirled eyes half on gallons of Kettle One, in bottle caps of coke, nose and Codine but no notoriety.

the mirror is hard on him

sparkle dis- tracted eyes in the green vacuum.

desirous of evermore though not creative enough to obtain

he trys to buy people to hell
but "nobody loves him"

except his older brother Earl, to whom his evil live belongs.

*infinite$ etinifni* into$ otni* a$ a* reflected$ detcelfer* hole$ eloh* the$ eht* Daimond$ dnomiaD* Daimon$ nomiaD* never$ reven* found$ dnuof* a$ a* place$ ecalp* to$ ot* rest$ tser* his$ sih* sad$ das* head$ deah* but$ tub* sparkle$ elkraps* deeper$ repeed* trapped$ deppart* wading$ gnidaw* waiting$ gnitiaw* to$ ot* rub$ bur* the$ eht* wet$ tew* confusion$ noisufnoc* from$ morf* ugly$ ylgu* orifices$ secifiro* not$ ton* acceptable$ elbatecca* hearing$ gniraeh* or$ ro* sight$ thgis* being$ nosrep* will$ lliw* fuck$ kcuf* himself$ flesmih* into$ otni* cube$ ebuc* disaster$ retsasid* greed$ deerg* flow$ wolf*

Friday, January 14, 2011


a couple a summers ago,
a physic young crackhead sold me a throat,

"dark frog you!" she croak.

desolate corner.street. fishy swamp soap trickles ovary
the fresh powder.

teeth chatter
and sweat feetsoak. down feather dank overworld whirled a paper tornado
of brown skin

i am bleached. it burns to be clean

as my colorless larynx
disruptured when she sang the crack song.
another Saturday's Child

whitey gets the chocolate mopped from his cheek by his mother's
milk cloth
open for attack
widespread sleep. horror of observation.

stabbing her good-eye.
in the desert

a man named joe

i am lesbian-man. love me.


the muddy river
a corpse's open eyes

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------scaring the black magic children.

a canyon.

wood ash and bleach stones
mix a Mandarin-Italian mutt

whose umbilical chord pulses in the white snow
my shivers are your shadows
three degrees below

the point of human start sorrow
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bone white as your snow
married to mine
in rich, cold blood-cell toffee.

if you were to eat people,
who would you choose?

we took a portrait of the lamb before the sacrifice.
before the slaughter,

a violent circumcision

or he is unclean.

and I always, unable to unclean

between 6 white walls

twenty gunshots on the prairie

polka-dot hat
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------no police. he asks the woman why her husband lets her out.
dead skin makes sex funner.

a gold locket holds his dried foreskin to her chest

The Direction

be multi-color if language bequit us
erratic cycles intersect
finite lines
polyhedron in their exactitude:

the limit

unable to stifle
thyself, nor for god.