Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear night, veil my sense
itivity, ignight
restlessly flames the intellect
where words flood at once
prison or prisoner
blah blau bleu blue
proceeding my experience
15 language trap i
one way to suffer through
lace shadow chlorophills
her with soporific
vigor. bright shape of
useless eyes to look through,
time passes burdened by words. undisturbed but by
askew scribblings enormal
animus between gray legs,
pages and a
blank sky
he will focus on the natural progression of fall if you deny him sex for
heat bleaches man's mind you this is hot!
the maple, a cross street
lack of water brings tall plants down to earth colors red siren sound of another love gone perverse
this hardened ape's legs flop like an august sunflower.
he senses the nothing left to tough hole engaged severely
a knotted muscle
where he wishes to find fluid

one act play

start beautiful woman in blam garden, fab,
facade of glamor
fade into self doubt
unravel life


is not giddy or giggle. Find line of direct pain. Focus.
Frown furrows eyebrows brownberry as wrinkled straw.
Bury. Comfort.
Confront. Cat come center calling a variation of my name my lover forgets and uses another's.
Scarlet zenias, bright purple bachelorette buttons, queen victoria's a sunflower.
Regal, she sways into evening's low ebb

then east with a full face the morning
my dog scarred her face on the razor wire spiral traps us animals
fight freedom; the accidental wound idea
runs us round and back into man-made trap
tan dry edged crumble and crack green dying hot. no movement
no dance
trees no sway
and flame
in fan's breath
a woman with young wrinkles

grows roots
walls expend endless
borders unto wayward reaching

kind bind
red vampire
heart like girdled roots
warn off good feeling
wear on weary
use pinky finger to
force a smile. not
a not nice day,
no smile anyway

i stave off the still
alive sensation
speedy straight for a
soap wall
eat soap moth
er wash out
Situated in time
lines drive hard edge
free sailing garden
internal as a bush
home on this white
sketch paper
neither straight
lines nor I